Dispute Resolution Level 1 & 2

Due to the ongoing concerns related to the pandemic, and the unknown future of group activities, we have decided to put our planning efforts in to delivering a quality online delivery of this workshop.

Dispute Resolution Level 1 – Fundamentals (DR1) is a 4-day, online, in-depth training programme focused on understanding conflict management and the differences between the various dispute resolution options. Participants receive a solid grounding in the social science that underpins best practices in conflict management and the opportunity to learn and practice mediation and conflict management skills in numerous simulated negotiations, case studies and role-plays. 

Topics include:

  • the nature of conflict and relationship between conflict and disputes;
  • how people make sense or “narrate” their stories about conflict;
  • the Dispute Resolution Stairway and ordering of processes;
  • the systemic nature of Interests, Rights & Power based approaches to dispute resolution;
  • foundational tools for analyzing conflict; 
  • communication skills as applied to conflict coaching and mediation;
  • models for effective conflict coaching and interest-based mediation;
  • mediation and coaching role plays and scenarios

Upcoming offerings:

September 23-26, 2024OnlineTo register, visit the Conrad Grebel website

Dispute Resolution Level 2 – Mediation (DR2) is a 4-day, online workshop that delivers advanced skills and practice in mediation. The focus of this workshop is upon sharpening conflict analysis and mediation skills. DR2 puts to work everything you have learned in DR1 and adds specific approaches, strategies and techniques together with the opportunity to practice them in a variety of mediation contexts, and role-play scenarios.  

Topics include:

  • information gathering techniques;
  • developing an agenda & mediation plan;
  • understanding the mediation in the context of the legal and dispute resolution systems;
  • when to use caucus (break out meetings) and why;
  • how to encourage movement and realistic settlement expectations;
  • skills for taking the parties to and overcoming impasse; 
  • creating memoranda of understanding (MOUs);
  • ethical concerns that mediators face;
  • building a practice and bringing interest based problem solving into your workplace.

Upcoming offerings:

October 21-24, 2024OnlineTo register, visit the Conrad Grebel website

Who Should Attend

Lawyers, mental health professionals, human resource and labour relations advisors, union officials, clerics, educators and others who advise internal and external clients about negotiation, arbitration or mediation.  Managers wanting to bring enhanced conflict management and mediation skills into their company or organization.  Those entering the mediation profession.  

Dispute Resolution – Levels 1 & 2: are offered in partnership with Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo. These courses satisfy the educational component of the ADR Institute of Ontario’s (ADRIO) membership requirements, and can be used towards fulfilling the prerequisites of ADRIO’s designations of Chartered Mediator (C.Med.) or Qualified Mediator (Q.Med.)  Successful participants will receive a certificate from the ADR Institute of Ontario and 2 credits toward Conrad Grebel’s Certificate in Conflict Management.  Information on Conrad Grebel’s Certificate Program can be viewed on their website

DR1 has been accredited for 5 hours and 15 minutes of Professional Content and up 15 hours and 45 minutes for Substantive Content by the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC).  DR 2 has been accredited for 2 hours and 20 minutes of Professional Content and up to 18 hours and 40 minutes for Substantive Content. 

To register for this course, please visit the Conrad Grebel website.

Participant Comments for DR1 and DR2:

“Without a doubt the best, most comprehensive and useful training I’ve had.”

Julie, Direct Support Professional, non-profit agency (2015)

“The tools can be applied in all aspects of my life”

Cayla, Director of Operations, workforce transformation company (2015)

“Yes, [I would recommend this training workshop to others]. It’s the best class I have taken in the Conflict Resolution Diploma programme”

Greg, Human Resources Specialist, large manufacturing company (2015)

“I will be able to use techniques when working with my clients and hope open questions will become second nature!”

Katherine, Lawyer, GTHA (2015)